Computer Controlled Tram For Public Transportation In Future
In futures, trams for the public mobility will differ considerably to those currently run in our town. Here is on one concept that reveals how they will look like. This tram is a futuristic vehicle envisioned by Andrew and is designed with populous cites of Japan in mind.
Andrew’s concept is dubbed ‘Future Tram’ and won’t be controlled by a driver sitting inside, but by the host computer that nullifies the use of lights. However, for its visibility in the dark there is blue bar under the roof, and lights inside the cabin.
This tram has two doors and one of the doors has slope that allows the physically challenged people to get inside and out comfortably and safely. Also, the tram roof has 4 powerful racks and the brain of the machine.
The tram also has spare batteries that fulfill the needs of electricity in the difficult times. This tram can best be used for sightseeing transportation as well as a usual route bus, which would have brought people to work and back to home, but that would surely ask to build many new roads.
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